Regulations in in the 4th. Pehuencortos Latin American short film Festival

Regulations and Form for the Fourth Edition

  1.  Pehuencortos Latin American short film Festival, with a trajectory of four years, aims to promote audiovisual productions through exhibits, debates, and training oportunities.
  2. Topic: Productions under any topic will be accepted. However, some short films will be worthy of mention;  those related to the following topics:
    1. Social Progress
    2. Environment
  3. Choice of material
    1. Enrolment is free
    2. The contest is open to all Latin American productions of a maximum length of 20 minutes, credits included. Except for those excepted in the other points.
    3. Only productions done after January, 2012 will be accepted.
    4. Professionals as well as students at any level and amateur producers over 18 shall be able to participate. 
  4. Contest Categories
    1. Fiction
    2. Documentary
    3. Animation
    4. Video minute
  5. Pehuencortos, in its competitive character, will define winners for: 
    1. Best fiction short film
    2. Best documentary short film
    3. Best animation short film
    4. Best video minute short film
    5. Best short film (audience vote) 
    6. Best short film


    1. Productions with an advertising or partisan objective will not be accepted under any category. 
    2. Should a category be declared empty, material received will be re-categorized. 
    3. Short-films must be submitted in some of the following formats, without exception:
  • MP4 with compression h264 in 1920x1080 (Full HD).
  • MP4 with compression h264 in 1280x720 (HD).
  • MP4 with compression h264 in 720x576 (SD).
    1. Productions will be presented in their original language. Be that other than Spanish, subtitles must be included in this language (Spanish). 
    2. The right to reject a production due  to low sound and / or image quality is claimed by the organization. .
    3. There is no limit of submission per participant. Enrollment form has to be completed for each production submitted. 
    4. The festival presupposes short film creators have all exhibit and promotion rights over their own productions and material presented; at the same time, the festival declines any responsibility related to authorship norm infringement. Creative Commons licences are recommended.

Formalities and Submission

  1. Producers call shall start on January, 23rd. and en on March, 3rd. 2014.
  2. The material has to fill in all compulsory fields in the enrollment form. 
  3. Winners agree and commit to mention the prize in every adversiment and press material concerning production; they will have to include the Festival logo (available in the webpage section The festival / broadcasting material) for such purposes. 
  4. The final choice of material will be informed to participants through the oficial webpage, telephone and / or e-mail on March, 10th. 2014. 
  5. It is taken for granted that participation and agreement with the conditions implies authorizing the organization committee to broadcast all the material and use them in different multi-media. At the same time, projection rights are given to the organization during and after the 4th. Pehuencortos Latin American short film Festival
  6. Winning short films will be shown in the next FECILBA, Latin American Independant Film Feestival Bahia Blanca. 
  7. Submitted productions which do not abide by the rules and coditions set by the contest will be excluded from the festival without previous notice and without giving participants any right to complain. 
  8. Enrollment in the 4th. Pehuencortos Latin American short film Festival implies the acceptance of the conditions hereby established
Enrollment Form (Spanish) (Portuguese)


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